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June 17th marked DB Charles’ seven-year anniversary. Today, our founder David Bass looks back at the highs and lows and gives his tips on finding your “why”.

7 Years at DB Charles: A Snapshot

In 2017, I decided to take a risk. Despite having a stable job, I dreamt of a recruitment business that embraced my values on how clients and candidates should be treated. And so DB Charles was born.

With a lot of hard work and a great deal of support from my wife Lauren, I began crafting this dynamic and bespoke recruitment agency. Now I’m proud to provide a personal, tailored service. Over the past seven years, I’ve built fantastic relationships with many new companies — and learned the resilience to say “no” to clients and candidates that weren’t a good fit for my values.

Of course, there have been better seven-year periods in which to start a business! The financial pressures of Covid and the recession saw me move from my office in St Albans to a custom-built garden office pod. Little did I understand the fantastic impact this would have on my work/life balance. Thanks to the move, I’ve been around to see my son turn into a young man, complete college, and find the freedom of driving. I’ve also had the pleasure of being on-hand for the first six years of my daughter’s life.

Throw in a wedding, a new house and baby number 3 on the way and it’s been quite the seven years!

DB Charles: Thoughts on Success

Celebrating an anniversary always gets you reflecting on your goals and achievements. For me, the successes of DB Charles have been threefold:

  • A service I’m proud of — DB Charles will never be the cheapest agency. We also won’t compete against other recruiters in a “faster finger” service. When working with a new business or candidate I’m focused on providing quality service for the long term.
  • The value of work/life balance — Flexibility is incredibly important to me. Starting my own business has allowed me to be present with my wife and kids. It also means I appreciate this need in candidates and will work hard for your well-being.
  • A personal touch — Moving away from a large corporate setting has enabled me to provide my clients with the most personalised service. My versatility allows me to cater to clients’ and candidates’ unique needs while retaining honesty and integrity as my core values.

Find Your “Why” With DB Charles

When I started DB Charles, I didn’t envision a huge office full of faceless recruiters cold-calling their way to a profit. I imagined a company that allowed me to address flaws I saw all too often in the recruitment industry. I also wanted a business that let me live life on my own terms.

The key for me was finding my “why”. Why did I want to start a company? Why is success important to me? The heart of my “why” has always been my wife and children. I wanted to start a successful company so that I could enjoy our time together — and provide them with a life that makes us happy. I’m incredibly pleased with where the business is at and very proud to say I have achieved seven years.

I’m also thrilled that I get the opportunity to help so many people find their “why” on a daily basis. If you’re looking for a custom recruitment service that values your individuality and values, do get in touch today. I’d love to hear from you.